The Marathon Fasting & Prayer Meeting
Held once a month, this is a powerful session of crying out to the Lord. During the meeting – personal, professional, and spiritual needs of the city (NCR) and church are shared with everyone present. Be it under circumstances of weather extremities or otherwise,, this meeting continues to be celebrated every month since 20 years and counting
Chain Prayer Day
We believe that a church that prays together stays together, and in this context the Tuesday Chain Prayer was initiated. Done by-self wherever the individual is, a list of prayer points is shared and group members take an hour out in the day to fill the gap that one faces in their walk with Christ.

The women’s ministry is headed by Mrs. Joyce Abraham who is passionate about serving women of the church, equipping and encouraging them to do more for the body of Christ. She is the holistic support system of not only the church but also to all who know her, fondly addressing her as Sister Joyce. The women’s ministry caters to the following:
Women’s Prayer Group
Known for her personal touch, Mrs. Joyce Abraham conducts a prayer meeting in her home every Thursday. A group of young ladies and wise women come together to pray and intercede for the lost in New Delhi (NCR) and for various needs cumulatively presented every week. This prayer meeting has been the mainstay of our church and has existed for almost 20 years. We are proud to say that our church believes and propagates the power of prayer.

The Naomi Fund
This is an initiative that was taken when Mrs. Abraham felt that God is calling the church to address the needs of widows of pastors and believers in various parts of India; ones whose husbands expired owing to illness and other circumstances. This fund supports them on a monthly basis to take care of their daily needs.
The Link
‘The Link’ is the youth outreach program of Capital Christian Centre and is headed by associate Pastor Ranjit J Abraham. This program is a result of Pastor Ranjit`s inspirational vision to reach the young people of NCR and see their lives change through God. The concept of ‘The Link’ is to connect people to God and to each other, thus following the greatest commandments of Jesus, which is to love God and love people. This youth ministry which started in 2014 has now grown to over 60 passionate young adults wanting to serve God with all their heart and to spread the love of Jesus wherever they go. We have young people from all walks of life attending Link, getting connected with CCC and finally turning over their lives to the Lord Jesus. We are so humbled to see that many of these people are from elite walks of life as they are either studying in top colleges of the country or working as high ranked officials with internationally renowned business groups. We are glad that the Lord is using Link to penetrate into these hitherto untapped areas.


Kids Korner
Children have been one of the prime focus areas of Capital Christian Centre. Our Church believes that children should be taught Biblical values of Christian life from a young age, so that they can bear fruit for the Kingdom. The Children’s ministry at CCC has enabled growth of the youth attending Church to what they are today. At Kids Korner, children are taught concurrent lessons of Biblical and moral significance. The classes are divided based on different age groups. This ministry is blessed with a tireless team, working diligently towards the betterment and well-being of the spiritual and moral aspects of children in the church.